NCW Life, League of Women Voters12th District October Forums
(Click on headline for links.) Here is Jim and his opponent discussing issues and values in their own words. The contrast is clear. Which candidate will best represent you?
I’m excited for the opportunity to unite the communities of the 12th District around common sense priorities that truly make a difference in our lives and build a better future for all residents of our state.
I’m excited for the opportunity to unite the communities of the 12th District around common sense priorities that truly make a difference in our lives and build a better future for all residents of our state.
Jim Mayhew was raised by a single mom in Western WA, and as a teen lived in foster care before graduating from Roosevelt High School. Paying his own way through college, Jim attended the University of Washington graduating with a degree in accounting before beginning a three decade career in corporate financial management that included stops in New York City, Singapore, and the Silicon Valley. Returning home to the Northwest to serve as CFO of a Fortune 1000 company, Jim and his wife Ramsey settled in Snoqualmie where he was appointed, and later won election, to the City Council. On the Council, Jim championed fiscal responsibility and worked on issues of affordability, public safety, regional transportation and results-oriented human services. They have two adult sons who are both attending college.
(Click on headline for links.) Here is Jim and his opponent discussing issues and values in their own words. The contrast is clear. Which candidate will best represent you?
Labor unions are endorsing, showing they believe Mayhew will champion working families. Endorsements are now out from WSLC, WFSE ,UFCW 3000, Ironworkers 86, IBEW 191, SEIU 775, SEIU 1199.
I’m proud to endorse Jim Mayhew for Washington State Senate 12th District. He is the right person to make sure every child gets their best shot at life, families feel secure financially and personally, we deliver for our rural communities, and we do everything possible to protect women’s health care choices and access…